
Amsterdam Fashion Week-Mattijs van Bergen and the paintings of Van Gogh

              One year ago when I moved to The Netherlands to live here, I never thought I will end up in the backstage of a fashion event,and not just a fashion even but the Amsterdam Fashion Week at the winter edition.First of all I have to mention that my fashion background is not impressive at all, but as a make-up artist is a dream to  see and get inspired from fashion-events, catwalks and I was extremely excited about going there. Fashion Week Amsterdam was about downtown events and high fashion catwalk for amazing Dutch artists.I could not join in everything  as it was impossible, but I attended with high pleasure one downtown event and the catwalk shows from Mattijs van Bergen.
Mercedes-Benz FashionWeek Amsterdam organized 10 Downtown events every day of the fashion week in 10 days at 10 locations. 

              The majority of the events were connected to cultural locations that are characteristic for Amsterdam. With 10 days Downtown Mercedes-Benz FashionWeek Amsterdam was focused on taking fashion from the catwalk to the sidewalk, highlighting the diamonds of the city Amsterdam and enlarging the awareness of fashion in The Netherlands.

This is how I end up on Friday night at the Van Gogh Museum seeing an amazing fashion event and creations of young Dutch talented Mattijs van Bergen,winner of the Dutch Fashion Award in 2012.
The creativity of Mattijs van Bergen was the link between the cultural gems of the capital and Mercedes-Benz FashionWeek Amsterdam.
He is an amazing Dutch designer who translates the Dutch paintings and art in to fashion in a very creative and innovative manner.

Here are some picture from Van Gogh Museum.

             Mattijs van Bergen opened the 20th edition of Amsterdam Fashion Week with a colorful collection, silky orange skirts and the cherry blossom pattern .Here you can see pictures from the amazing big catwalk show for the autumn-winter collection named Complementair. It was breathtaking, amazing,colorful,dutch, luxurious,an optimistic play of colors, precious textile and beautiful models. 

             I will end with a funny picture from the museum and I hope everyone enjoyed this post, there is still more to come from the fashion week, another article about sophisticated fashion and Aziz Bekkaoui. To keep updated with the rest of my work, posts  and information you can follow my blog via Google Friend Connect or by email. Here is the funny picture I've promised you!

                                           ....the Dutch are very talented but also curious by nature :)

          What do you think about Mattijs van Bergen and his collection ? Would you wear something from his collection ?Since I saw his collection I have beautiful dreams of me wearing all the blue dresses, also the red ones :) 

If you are interested for more information about Dutch fashion artists you can visit


  1. Superba colectia, bogata in culori, mi-a placut si modul de prezentare.

    1. Ma bucur foarte mult ca ti-a placut.Cu prima ocazie cand vei vizita Amsterdam sa nu ratezi Muzeul Van Gogh.

  2. Interesant conceptul de prezentare in Muzeul Van Gogh...cred ca e o idee originala totusi, eu nu am mai vazut asa ceva, in plus muzeul e foarte stylish si se potriveste cu prezentarea hainelor; mi-a placut articolul, le astept si pe celelalte din aceasta serie ;)

    1. aceasta , a fost doar una din prezentarile facute downtown la muzeu. au fost si arti designeri care au avut workshop-uri sau mini-colectii prezentate in muzeele din Amsterdam. Pretul unui bilet de intrare a fost de 15 euro pt prezentarea de la muzeu. Saptamana modei la Amsterdam este total diferita de conceptul de la Paris, unde nu se fac show-uri fashion cu intrari libere sau publice. Creatiile designerilor olandezu nu sunt puse spre vanzare,majoritatea rochiilor sunt confectionate doar pentru diverse evenimente, prezentari, shootinguri pt. coperti reviste.Astept nerabdatoare sesiunea de vara si poate faci si tu o vizita in Amsterdam, ca sa nu merg singura :))).

    2. ce buna idee ai avut, serios...daca ma anunti din timp, imi fac rezervarile de rigoare si vin, ar fi super! mai ales ca imi place la nebunie Amsterdamul si mai am cateva chestii de vazut ;) in afara de evenimentul de fashion, of course

    3. Sunt cu ochii pe bilete, ca singur nu voi mai avea invitatie gratis.Cand aud noutati te anunt si pe tine,sa vedem la ce se merita sa mergem .
