
10 foods for beautiful healthy skin

 What you eat can affect your hormone balance, cause acne, and create inflammation. I think that what you eat can be as important as the serums and creams you apply on your skin, or maybe even more important. To me this was proven so many times, and for this reason I decided to invest not only in my skincare but also in food. 
Here are my top 10 favorite foods for a beautiful healthy skin, some of it will help fight inflammation and acne, while others will give a super gorgeous natural skin glow.

1.Spinach - nutrient rich food you should definitely include into your eating plan. Vitamin E, iron, chlorophyll, magnesium, fibers, vitamin A, vitamin C, all great for your skin. Spinach is packed with antioxidants that help prevent different types of skin problems.

2.Avocado - a rather unique type of fruit. Rich in omega-9 fat, oleic acid is also involved in regenerating damaged skin cells and reducing facial redness and irritation. Avocados are a great source of antioxidant carotenoids like alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin and lutein. These antioxidants provide significant protection for your skin from the environmental damage that leads to fine lines, wrinkles and other visible signs of aging.
3.Sweet potatoes - high in vitamin A and C, both essential for glowing and healthy skin . Vitamin C  increases collagen production that keeps your skin supple and smooth, and vitamin A, a potent  antioxidant that fights free radicals and prevent skin cancer.

4.Tomatoes. I've been reading somewhere that tomatoes  can cause acne, but I find this not true as they are excellent source of antioxidants, namely  lycopene which helps  improve skin health as well as pigmentation problems.

5.Blueberry help in clarifying skin because they have a high concentration of salicylates, which is the salt of the salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is widely used in topical acne treatment products. Its ability to remove dead skin, open clogged pores, and act against bacteria makes it a very effective treatment for acne. For those with skin that is prone to acne, blueberries can help you achieve blemish-free skin. A cup of blueberries has up to 13,427 antioxidants, including Vitamin A and C, as well as flavonoids.

6.Salmon- has omega 3 fatty acids that help hydrate your skin from inside-out, as well as help inflammation, acne and wrinkles. Deficiency in this fat can result in eczema, which is associated with dry, scaly skin.

7.Yogurt - amazing food for skin, because of the proteins and special enzymes that keeps the skin firm and fight the appearance of fine lines. Opt for plain natural yogurt and add some fresh fruits and honey to make it more delicious.

8.Dark chocolate - is good for more than curing a broken heart :)). Dark chocolate also helps combat beauty’s public enemy number one: stress. Cocoa helps reduce stress hormones, which means less collagen breakdown in the skin and fewer wrinkles. Keep in mind that the only chocolate that can deliver these benefits is dark chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa content. Flavonols found in chocolate help your skin look its best, fight free radicals (bye -bye, sun spots) and increase blood flow.

9.Tea - is high in oxygen radical absorbance capacity, which is a fancy way of saying that it helps destroy free radicals. Green tea, for healthy skin is likely one of the most well-known teas around, it actually contains the most potent antioxidants which offer your skin protection from free radicals and skin damage for younger, smoother skin. 

In case you don't like this specific green tea, you can try mint or ginger tea, they both increase radiance in your skin and help fight inflammation. Rooibos teas have been used for many years in South Africa and are known for benefiting a range of skin issues like eczema, rashes, and sunburn.You only have to find a tea that suits your taste and skin needs.

10.Almond milk. Research shows dairy is highly inflammatory, which means it will aggravate acne and rashes and this is the reason why I simply use (for 3 years ) only a non-dairy milk, like unsweetened almond milk.

Is time for you to pay attention to the food you eat, if you want to improve your skin condition, as creams are additional in our beauty regimen and less important than food. Keep in mind that always is so much more easy to prevent than to cure. If you are fighting with acne or any other skin inflammations, it means you need to closely review what you eat and add some of the stuff above in your eating plan. 

What other food would you add for keeping a clean beautiful skin ? What are the foods that made your skin break out or look dull and aged ?

Hope you will find all this info useful and please don't forget to share it in your social media.
Thank you for your visit and I  am always expecting your feedback !


  1. Asta sa fie oare secretul meu... glumesc. Cartofii dulci nu ma tenteaza, dar in rest sunt prietena cu legumele si ma simt bine cu ceea ce consum. Consum multe radacinoase, multe seminte - crude, mi-as dori mai multe fructe, nu stiu de ce nu-mi vine sa mananc prea des. Intr-o saptamana daca mananc 4 fructe.
    Chestia buna e ca nici cu dulciuri nu ma imbuib.
    Weekend frumos si La multi ani de Martisor! xoxo

    1. Cartofii dulci nu m-au tentat nici pe mine, o perioada destul de lunga :)))) dupa ce i-am incercat (pe cei portocalii ) vreau sa-ti spun ca nu ma mai saturam - nu au gust de cartof, cred ca au gust de morcov combinat cu dovleac copt, dar doar cei cu miezul portocaliu, cei cu miezul alb au gust de cartof normal. E foarte bine ca au o nutritie atat de bogata in fibre si ca nu te omori cu dulciurile.Acelasi sentiment de "nu stiu de ce nu pot manaca mere "il am si eu :)). Te pup si iti multumesc tare mult pentru vizita !xoxo

  2. Am observat ca tenul meu arata mult mai bine atunci cand nu manac sosuri tip maioneza sau cand nu manac dulciuri. eu am crezut tot timpul ca ciocolata este raspunzatoare pt acnee dar se pare ca nu, sau cel putin nu cea bogata in cacao.Mi-a placut acest articol :*, te urmaresc si pe instagram!

    1. Ma bucur foarte mult ca ma urmaresti si pe instagram ! Te pup :*

  3. I like them all :D but i eat them rarely :D Maybe i should include them in my meals more often:D

    1. I could eat salmon ,every day :))) I guess I was a bear in my past life.

  4. I am happy you found some important info! Thank you for your visit.
